Data Security Concerns with Self-Hosted versus Remotely-Hosted LLMs

Mike O'Shea
4 min readMay 7, 2024


The choice between self-hosted and remotely hosted LLMs involves a trade-off between computational power, flexibility, and data security.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a cornerstone for developing applications that require natural language understanding and generation. As developers dive deeper into AI, the choice between self-hosted and remotely hosted models becomes crucial, especially when considering data security. This article explores the use of LLMs, from heavyweight champions provided by giants like OpenAI and Gemini to lightweight contenders such as Phi, which can run on more modest hardware.

Large-Scale Model Providers: OpenAI and Gemini

At the top of the hierarchy are the behemoths of the LLM world, such as OpenAI’s GPT models and Gemini’s equivalent offerings. These models are characterized by their vast number of parameters, requiring substantial computational resources that are typically beyond the reach of individual developers or small organizations. They are hosted remotely, offering APIs that applications can call to process natural language data.

Data Security Consideration: Data security becomes paramount when using these services, as sensitive information must be transmitted to and from the model provider’s servers. It’s essential to employ encryption for data in transit to mitigate risks and carefully review the provider’s data handling and privacy policies to avoid data leakage.

Mid-Scale Models: GPU-Enabled Hardware Solutions

For those seeking a balance between computational power and control over data, hosting mid-scale LLMs on GPU-enabled hardware using tools such as Ollama presents a viable option. These models, often available under open-source or proprietary licenses, can be tailored to specific needs while offering a degree of flexibility and security that remote models cannot.

Data Security Advantage: By self-hosting, organizations can enforce their security protocols, ensuring that sensitive data remains within control. This setup is particularly appealing for applications dealing with proprietary, confidential, or personal information.

Small-Scale Models: Phi and CPU-Compatible Solutions

At the other end of the spectrum are the smallest LLMs, such as Phi, designed to run on modest CPU setups or custom CPUs. These models offer the most flexibility in terms of deployment, allowing for integration into a wide range of devices and applications, from mobile apps to embedded systems.

Data Security Flexibility: The ability to run these models on-premises or in a controlled cloud environment means that data security can be tightly managed. This setup is ideal for applications that require real-time processing without the latency associated with remote API calls or the need for significant computational resources.

Choosing the Right Model for Your Application

When deciding which model to use, consider the following factors:

  • Data Sensitivity: The more sensitive the data, the stronger the case for self-hosting or using smaller, more easily secured models.
  • Computational Resources: Assess the available hardware and whether it meets the requirements of the chosen model.
  • Scalability Needs: Larger models may offer better performance, but consider whether your application requires such capabilities and if the trade-offs regarding cost and data security are justified.
  • Development and Maintenance Resources: Larger models may require more effort to integrate and maintain, especially if customizations or updates are needed.

Implementing Data Security Across Different Hosting Models

Regardless of the chosen model, implementing robust data security measures is essential. This includes:

  • Encryption: Use end-to-end encryption for data in transit and at rest.
  • Access Controls: Implement strict access controls and authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the LLM and the data it processes.
  • Data Anonymization: Where possible, anonymize data before processing to minimize the risk of exposing sensitive information.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular security audits and updates to address new vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


The choice between self-hosted and remotely hosted LLMs involves a trade-off between computational power, flexibility, and data security. By carefully considering the needs of your application and the sensitivity of the data involved, you can select the most appropriate model and hosting option. Whether you opt for the raw power of large-scale model providers, the balance of mid-scale GPU-enabled models, or the flexibility of small-scale CPU-compatible models, ensuring robust data security measures is paramount to protect sensitive information and maintain trust in your AI-powered applications.

In the realm of AI, where innovation is constant, staying informed about the latest developments in LLMs and data security practices will help you make informed decisions and keep your applications secure and efficient.



Mike O'Shea

I’m lucky to be doing exactly what I wanted to do ever since I saw my first computer. I love learning by sharing, exploring and creating.